Nocturnal Skate Shop has been home to the South Philly area for 23 years, carrying a lot of history and support for the Philadelphia Skateboarding community. Since April of 2021, I have been designing merchandise and planning community-based events and art shows. It has been very gratifying and humbling to have the experience of helping run a shop with so much character, charm, and history.

One of the projects I was responsible for is creating seasonal clothing drops. A goal of mine was to put out clothing that people would get enjoyment out of wearing. To make that shirt or hat that got maybe a little overused and didn’t sit in the closet for that long after a wash. Just as important, I wanted to create pieces that encapsulates the rich personality of the shop while also keeping up with the current day fashion trends of skateboarding culture. It’s been a rewarding experience seeing friends, skaters, and strangers wear the clothes i’ve made.

Custom cut and sew baseball caps
and patterned beanies
and patterned beanies

Along with designing the merchandise, I also sourced all the apparel blanks to try to get the best quality product that was also budget freindly for the consumer. I was responsible for marketing all of the clothing drops, taking photos of models, and coming up with a planned time frame for the releases. Having worked at a screen print shop i’ve had knowledge of clothing making but this experience helped with the organization process and side of creating orchestrated clothing lines.

Merch can be purchased in-store
or online at Nocturnalphilly.com

The tiny details are just
as important as the shirt itself